Section 3: Operating Instructions

Maid-Fong is fashioned with joints that can flex and rotate like the joints in the human body. Her body is much like a real person's body. Forcing joints to assume unnatural, inhuman positions will cause damage. The skin is made from silicone which will give the feel of softness.

Because all kind of materials has it's limitation, tears and cuts will happen if mistreated , please take heed of the following Warnings:

* Physical abuse will cause rupturing of the doll's silicone skin. Silicone is a durable material, but will also cut and tear.
* Never drag or pull the doll across a surface.
* Use a water-based lubricant before sex. Dry penetration may result in the rubbing off the silicone.
* Never use excessive force with fingers when holding the body. Indentations will be made in the body.
* Don't use your fingers to grab hard into the breasts, as this will cause indentations. Use your palm.
* Colored fabric may discolor the doll's skin. Wash the clothing before putting on the doll.
* Avoid sharp edges
* Never rub the face of the doll because the makeup will be removed.
* Treat your doll gently and with respect.
* If you take good care of Maid-Fong she can be with you for a long time.

Maid-Fong's elbow and ankles are bendable. Here is her range of movement:

* Arms - can be raised up to around 135 degrees forward and sideway.
* Legs - can be spread wide about 50 degrees.
* Knees and elbows - can be bent 90 degrees.
* Waist - can be rotated all around at about 45 degrees.
* Ankles - can be tilted.
* Head - can be turned left and right, tilted forward and back.
