Contrib Adapter WM2DS
109€ incl. shipping &
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WM2DS is an adapter that allows to connect heads by WM Doll and WM Dolls with an Doll Sweet body.
All adapters are custom made to order.
Available Compatible heads:
The following heads are compatible with this product:
Head No. 9 (WM Doll) | Head No. 7 (WM Doll) |
Head - Yan
(Normon Doll)
Weight: 2 kg |
Head - No. 28
(WM Doll)
Weight: 2 kg |
Head - No. 22 (WM Doll) | Head - No. 21 (WM Doll) | Head - Nr. 20 (WM Doll) | Head No. 10 (WM Doll) |
Head No. 12 (WM Doll) | Head No. 15 (WM Doll) | Head No. 17 (WM Dolls) | Head No. 18 (WM Doll) |
Head - GL04
(Game Lady)
Weight: 2 kg |
Head - No. 36
(WM Dolls)
Weight: 2 kg |
Head - Nr. 39
(WM Doll)
Weight: 2 kg |
Head - No. 38
(WM Dolls)
Weight: 2 kg |
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For more information about a specific head, simply click on the corresponding image.
Compatible bodies:
The following bodies and torsos are compatible with this product:
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 170 cm
Weight: 40 kg
–Available– |
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 167 cm
Weight: 29 kg
–Available– |
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 163 cm
Weight: 26 kg
–Available– |
DS-160 Plus
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 160 cm
Weight: 26 kg
–Available– |
DS-158 Plus
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 158 cm
Weight: 30 kg
–Available– |
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 158 cm
Weight: 29 kg
–Available– |
DS-145 Plus
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 145 cm
Weight: 20 kg
–Available– |
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 145 cm
Weight: 18 kg
–Available– |
DS-163 Plus
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 163 cm
Weight: 27 kg
–Available– |
(DS Doll)
Material: Silicone
Body size: 160 cm
Weight: 25 kg
–Available– |
For more information about a particular body or torso, simply click on the corresponding image.
Dazugehörige Blogbeiträge:
The following blog posts are available about Contrib Adapter WM2DS:
Posted 8 years 41 weeks ago
Posted 8 years 36 weeks ago
Posted 8 years 12 weeks ago
- DollWorks Adapter System
- Contrib Adapter 4W2DH
- Contrib Adapter 4W2DS
- Contrib Adapter 4W2JY
- Contrib Adapter 4W2OR
- Contrib Adapter 4W2WM
- Contrib Adapter 4W2YL
- Contrib Adapter DH2DS
- Contrib Adapter DH2JM
- Contrib Adapter DH2JSH
- Contrib Adapter DH2ML
- Contrib Adapter DS2DH
- Contrib Adapter DS2EX
- Contrib Adapter DS2JY
- Contrib Adapter DS2OI
- Contrib Adapter DS2OR
- Contrib Adapter DS2SH
- Contrib Adapter DS2WM
- Contrib Adapter DS2YL
- Contrib Adapter HA2EX
- Contrib Adapter IT2DS
- Contrib Adapter IT2JM
- Contrib Adapter IT2ML
- Contrib Adapter IT2SH
- Contrib Adapter JM2DH
- Contrib Adapter JM2IT
- Contrib Adapter JM2JY
- Contrib Adapter JM2LI
- Contrib Adapter JM2OR
- Contrib Adapter JM2SA
- Contrib Adapter JM2WM
- Contrib Adapter JM2YL
- Contrib Adapter JM2ZO
- Contrib Adapter JY2DS
- Contrib Adapter JY2JM
- Contrib Adapter JY2ML
- Contrib Adapter JY2SH
- Contrib Adapter OI2DH
- Contrib Adapter OI2DS
- Contrib Adapter OI2EX
- Contrib Adapter OI2JY
- Contrib Adapter OI2OR
- Contrib Adapter OI2WM
- Contrib Adapter OI2YL
- Contrib Adapter OR2DS
- Contrib Adapter OR2JM
- Contrib Adapter OR2ML
- Contrib Adapter OR2SH
- Contrib Adapter SH2DH
- Contrib Adapter SH2IT
- Contrib Adapter SH2JY
- Contrib Adapter SH2LI
- Contrib Adapter SH2OR
- Contrib Adapter SH2SA
- Contrib Adapter SH2WM
- Contrib Adapter SH2YL
- Contrib Adapter SH2ZO
- Contrib Adapter WM2DS
- Contrib Adapter WM2JM
- Contrib Adapter WM2ML
- Contrib Adapter WM2SH
- Contrib Adapter YL2DS
- Contrib Adapter YL2JM
- Contrib Adapter YL2ML
- Contrib Adapter YL2SH
- Contrib Adapter ZO2DS
- Contrib Adapter ZO2JM
- Contrib Adapter ZO2ML
- Contrib Adapter ZO2SH
- Doll Laboratory
- Care
- Presentation
- Repair
- Storage
- Inserts
- Kospley
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